Like Sculpture
LIKE. A tiny word with universal power, a verb that shapes the digital fabric of our lives.
We don't need to think. We simply like. But here's the twist: we crave those little Likes in return, obsessively chasing those digital thumbs-ups on our social media feeds.
This sculpture pays a playful homage to Robert Indiana's iconic "Love" sculpture of the '70s, a symbol of the Peace and Love Movement. One can be seen across Rosa Parks Circle. But while Indiana's "LOVE" embodied a generation's dream of unity, my "LIKE" stands as the emblem of our hyperconnected, hyper-distracted, and very online culture. It's today's vernacular—a word we click a billion times a day without even thinking. But unlike "LOVE", "LIKE" means we feel, agree, or approve or just acknowledged the blip on our endless scroll.